Teriyaki and Mesquite Shish Kebabs

Shish KabobsGrilling Shish Kabobs!

I love Shish Kabobs!  It’s all in the marination.  Okay, so the meat cut matters too, but if you have a great Teriyaki or Mesquite marinade, you’re already half way there.  Here I’m using Yoshida’s and McCormicks for the Meat, and a little Olive Oil and Herb blend I like to whip up for the vegetables.  Oh, you don’t normally marinate the veggies?  No big surprise.  Most people don’t even think about it.  But, if you do, kuddos!  If not, you’re going to want to pay attention to this little tutorial, because this recipe is off the hook!  😉

Shish Kabobs MarinadesIf you’ve had Yoshida’s before, then you know they make a real fine Teriyaki sauce that just melts anything you put in your mouth.  And if you didn’t know, well, you do now.  I like it best with beef and chicken, but in my opinion, it’s better with chicken.  The McCormicks I’m using here is the Mesquite I mentioned.  But on the back of the package it gives a suggestion to mix ketchup and honey with the standard ingredients.  McCormicks is just one of those 98 cent dry rubs you mix with water and oil so the other two ingredients were a no-brainer because I was planning on using the Mesquite on the pork Shish Kabobs.  The Olive Oil marinade I mentioned has several different herbs in it, both dry and fresh.  Just a little something I picked up from my Italian studies.  In fact this marinade is great with bread.  I only recommend you add Balsamic Vinegar to it if you’re going to use this for that; what ever you decide. Just remember to use it for the Vegetables in this recipe.  The tip of the day is Wrights Liquid Smoke.  If you’re not able to grill outside but you still what that Hickory flavor when you are cooking indoors, just add a few drops of this Liquid magic to your marinades and no one will be able to tell the difference, I promise!


Olive Oil and Herb Marinade for Shish Kabobs:

1/2 cup Olive Oil
3/4 tsp Salt
3 chopped Garlic Cloves
1 tbsp Italian Seasoning
1 tbsp Oregano
1 tbsp fresh chopped Parsley
1 tbsp fresh chopped Basil
a few shakes of Black Pepper

Mix thoroughly and poor over the cut vegetable chunks before you skew the Shish Kabobs, and marinate for 20 minutes.

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