Shrimp Dumplings and Dipping Sauce

Shrimp Dumpling

Amazing Shrimp Dumplings

If you love Shrimp, you’re going to love these Shrimp Dumplings.  They’re a lot like Gyoza, or what most people call Pot Stickers, only better.  Just imagine biting into one of the largest seasoned Prawns you can think of.  Now picture it wrapped in a Steamed Wonton Wrapper and pan fried to perfection.  I don’t know about you but that’s my idea of great recipe.  The only thing missing is something to dip them in but don’t worry I’ve got you covered.  As a bonus, I’ve included a Potsticker/Shrimp Dumpling Sauce recipe down below, with a video tutorial to go along with it, so there’s no room for error.  After you try that you’ll never eat Pot Stickers or Shrimp Dumplings again without it!

Shrimp Dumplings Ingredients:

2 lbs Ground or Minced Shrimp
1 pkg Wanton Wraps (Nasoya)
1 chopped Green Onion
1 tbsp fresh Cilantro
2 tsp fresh chopped Ginger
1/4 cup chopped julienne Bell Pepper
1/4 cup chopped Carrot
2 chopped Garlic Cloves
1 tbsp Soy Sauce
2 tsp Sesame Oil
1 tsp White or Black Pepper (Which ever you have)

Potsticker and Shrimp Dumplings
Dipping Sauce Ingredients:

1 part Sugar
1 part Warm Water
1 part Soy Sauce
1/2 part Rice Wine Vinegar
1 chopped Garlic Clove
1/2 fresh chopped Cilantro
1/8 tsp Chili Flakes or Chili Oil

Follow the video tutorials and enjoy your Shrimp Dumplings and Dipping Sauce.

Peaking Ravioli Pot Stickers

Pot StickersWhat are Pot Stickers?

If you don’t know by now, Americans love Chinese Pot Stickers.  If you’ve been to any Chinese Buffet in the last 10 years, you’ve seen them.  They’ve even become so popular, they sell them right next to the frozen burrito’s of just about every grocery store in America.  I don’t know the history or the exact Origin of the Pot Sticker, I mean, that’s what Wikipedia is for, right, but I can tell you that these are usually prepared fresh everyday, and they’re made by hand, not stamped out of a cookie cutter.

What are Pot Stickers made of?

IMG_20120712_211337The breakdown is very simple;  Ground Pork, Onion, Carrots and a few Asian Sauces, Hoisin and Oyster Sauce.  Just a few secret folds that aren’t too complicated, and Voila, you’ve got Pot Stickers!  Well, at least in theory, right.  But now what?  Do you throw them in boiling water?  The answer is NO!  Technically I guess you could, but these things are traditionally steamed.  And if you don’t have a Steamer, no worries.  This video tutorial will show you how to do it without one, So let’s dive right in and make some Pot Stickers.

Be sure to check out my Shrimp Dumplings recipe because I have the best sauce recipe in that post to dip these Pot Stickers in if Tempura dipping sauce isn’t available in your area.

Pot Stickers Ingredients:

1 pkg Pot Sticker Wrappers
8 oz Ground Pork Sausage or just Pork
1/4 cup Carrots
1/3 Cup Scallions
1 tsp Hoisin Sauce
1 tsp Oyster Sauce
1 tsp Black Ground Pepper
1/2 tsp Chopped Garlic
Water to glue the Wrappers together

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly.  Wet the edges of each wrapper and place about 1 tbsp of Ground Pork mixture  in the center, and then fold in half like a taco.  Then proceed to one of the corners and pleat the edge of one side and apply pressure to make the wrapper stick, all the way around in a half moon shape.  Then place Pot Stickers in a steamer lined with Bok Choy leaves or Cabbage and Steam for 7 minutes.  Pan fry in a lightly oiled pan for a 1 minute, or until the bottoms turn a light golden brown,  Drip dry onto some paper towels then serve your Pot Stickers with some Tempura Dipping Sauce.

Steamed Smothered Salmon

Why should you learn How to cook Salmon?

If you are going to cook fish you better know How to cook Salmon. That’s what I decided anyway.  It seems to be a real crowd pleaser and anyone that likes fish seems to love a good Salmon. So why not learn a great way that’s easy to do and not only keeps the fish real moist and succulent, but also has an everlasting burst of flavor from the first bite to the last.

Now, How to Cook Salmon

My preparation for this dish is actually ironic.  A few simple things that are done in this recipe are very commonly used for other recipes similar to this one but I have since found that one of the main things I feel really sets this fish off is considered a huge faux pas amongst many other chefs.  What others consider a No-No I throw down a Hell Yeah when I cover my Salmon with CHEESE!  That’s right I said it…Mozzarella Cheese tops off this Salmon recipe after it’s steamed in a puddle of Onions, Bell Peppers, white wine and butter!  Then I add some fresh chopped Parsley, Bacon bits and then I broil it in the oven for 2 minutes to give it that blow torched burnt marshmallow look before I splash it with Balsamic Vinegar and cold sliced tomatoes.  Once that’s all done, it’s time to serve the best damn fish to my loving wife who can’t ever seem to get enough of me and my finger lickin’ cookin’!  Now if you feel like you can handle all that, then watch my do it yourself video below so you can learn How to cook Salmon yourself!

How to Cook Salmon Recipe

1 Salmon Fillet
1/2 Bell Pepper
1/2 Onion
1/2 cube butter
1/2 cup Mozzarella Cheese
1/4 cup white wine
1 tbsp fresh or dried Parsley
2 tsp minced garlic
1 to 2 tbsp chopped Bacon or bits
Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Pepper Salmon to taste
Pinch of ceyenne pepper if you can stand it