Egg Drop Soup with Fried Wonton Croutons

Large red pot full Egg Drop Soup.

The Best Egg Drop Soup

I don’t know why this soup isn’t consistently delicious, everywhere it’s served because it’s not that difficult to make. My daughter loves this soup but she too prefers the soup from one specific Chinese restaurant over any other so, I decided to make it the way she and I both like it. I can tell you that this is probably the Best Egg Drop Soup recipe and it only gets better, the longer it simmers.

It’s got all of the basic vegetable ingredients, including carrot, corn and peas. Other than the egg ribbons, that I teach you how to make, firm Tofu is the preferred protein in this soup and you can garnish with green onion and/or add it directly to the soup. I also show you how easy it is to make the crispy wonton croutons we all love to crunch on in our soup.

MSG is in this recipe and you really shouldn’t worry about it because this soup is good with or without it. However, You really shouldn’t be concerned with all of the misconceptions about this ingredient and HERE’S WHY. Also, know that Chinese restaurants use it in almost everything and it’s one of the reasons their food tastes so much better than your homemade Chinese cooking. MSG achieves that Umami that we all crave in food and if you read the article I linked above, you’ll understand more about it.

Egg Drop Soup Ingredients:

1 pkg Wonton Wrappers, fried crunchies (optional)

1 tsp Olive Oil
1 tbsp Ginger, freshly chopped
2 qt Chicken Broth
2 tbsp Rice Cooking Wine
2 Eggs
2 tsp Sesame oil
1 tbsp Soy Sauce
1 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp White Pepper
1 tsp MSG
1/4 cup Corn Starch, mix with 1 cup of the Chicken Broth
1/4 cup Corn
1/4 cup Frozen Peas
1/4 Carrots
8 oz Tofu, firm, cubed slices
2 Green Onions, chopped

Kosher Salt and Black Pepper to taste

Oil for Frying, 350° Fahrenheit

2 Eggs, for egg ribbons, soup should be boiling. Add Corn Starch after.
1/4 cup Corn Starch, pre-mix with 1 cup of the broth and stir in last.
Just watch the short video tutorial and I’ll show yo exactly how to make this Egg Drop Soup.

Orange Peel Chicken

Orange Peel Chicken

Easy Orange Peel Chicken

This Orange Peel Chicken recipe is light and sweet.  I made it that way on purpose because the Orange Peel or “Zest” can be quite overwhelming.  But to each their own.  If you want more in it, by all means, add more.  I had some guest’s over when I was filming this though, however, and they loved the way I made it.  So consider that into your calculations and just trust my ingredient amounts before you decide.  This Orange Peel Chicken recipe can also be used with Shrimp and I highly recommend it.

You will also need a good Chinese Fry batter for this recipe and I’ve got a great one that is so simple.  It’s just Self Rising Flour and Water.  You can look at the original post by clicking HERE to see the exact ingredient amounts and Video Recipe Tutorial.

Orange Peel Chicken Ingredients:

1 Chicken Breast, long 1/2 inch slices
Chinese Fry Batter (CLICK HERE)

Orange Peel Sauce
1 tsp Orange Peel, diced
1 Green Onion, chopped into scallions
1 cup Pineapple Juice
2 tbsp Sugar
2 tbsp Vinegar
2 tbsp Honey
1 Garlic Clove, chopped
1 tsp Soy
1 tsp Sesame Oil
Squeeze of Lemon Juice

Follow the instructions in the Video Tutorial and enjoy the Orange Peel Chicken.

Peaking Ravioli Pot Stickers

Pot StickersWhat are Pot Stickers?

If you don’t know by now, Americans love Chinese Pot Stickers.  If you’ve been to any Chinese Buffet in the last 10 years, you’ve seen them.  They’ve even become so popular, they sell them right next to the frozen burrito’s of just about every grocery store in America.  I don’t know the history or the exact Origin of the Pot Sticker, I mean, that’s what Wikipedia is for, right, but I can tell you that these are usually prepared fresh everyday, and they’re made by hand, not stamped out of a cookie cutter.

What are Pot Stickers made of?

IMG_20120712_211337The breakdown is very simple;  Ground Pork, Onion, Carrots and a few Asian Sauces, Hoisin and Oyster Sauce.  Just a few secret folds that aren’t too complicated, and Voila, you’ve got Pot Stickers!  Well, at least in theory, right.  But now what?  Do you throw them in boiling water?  The answer is NO!  Technically I guess you could, but these things are traditionally steamed.  And if you don’t have a Steamer, no worries.  This video tutorial will show you how to do it without one, So let’s dive right in and make some Pot Stickers.

Be sure to check out my Shrimp Dumplings recipe because I have the best sauce recipe in that post to dip these Pot Stickers in if Tempura dipping sauce isn’t available in your area.

Pot Stickers Ingredients:

1 pkg Pot Sticker Wrappers
8 oz Ground Pork Sausage or just Pork
1/4 cup Carrots
1/3 Cup Scallions
1 tsp Hoisin Sauce
1 tsp Oyster Sauce
1 tsp Black Ground Pepper
1/2 tsp Chopped Garlic
Water to glue the Wrappers together

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly.  Wet the edges of each wrapper and place about 1 tbsp of Ground Pork mixture  in the center, and then fold in half like a taco.  Then proceed to one of the corners and pleat the edge of one side and apply pressure to make the wrapper stick, all the way around in a half moon shape.  Then place Pot Stickers in a steamer lined with Bok Choy leaves or Cabbage and Steam for 7 minutes.  Pan fry in a lightly oiled pan for a 1 minute, or until the bottoms turn a light golden brown,  Drip dry onto some paper towels then serve your Pot Stickers with some Tempura Dipping Sauce.