Orange Peel Chicken

Orange Peel Chicken

Easy Orange Peel Chicken

This Orange Peel Chicken recipe is light and sweet.  I made it that way on purpose because the Orange Peel or “Zest” can be quite overwhelming.  But to each their own.  If you want more in it, by all means, add more.  I had some guest’s over when I was filming this though, however, and they loved the way I made it.  So consider that into your calculations and just trust my ingredient amounts before you decide.  This Orange Peel Chicken recipe can also be used with Shrimp and I highly recommend it.

You will also need a good Chinese Fry batter for this recipe and I’ve got a great one that is so simple.  It’s just Self Rising Flour and Water.  You can look at the original post by clicking HERE to see the exact ingredient amounts and Video Recipe Tutorial.

Orange Peel Chicken Ingredients:

1 Chicken Breast, long 1/2 inch slices
Chinese Fry Batter (CLICK HERE)

Orange Peel Sauce
1 tsp Orange Peel, diced
1 Green Onion, chopped into scallions
1 cup Pineapple Juice
2 tbsp Sugar
2 tbsp Vinegar
2 tbsp Honey
1 Garlic Clove, chopped
1 tsp Soy
1 tsp Sesame Oil
Squeeze of Lemon Juice

Follow the instructions in the Video Tutorial and enjoy the Orange Peel Chicken.

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