Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich

Can You Say Philly Cheese Steak?

A Philly Cheese Steak ain’t no joke!  There are franchise’s back east that have been battling out the sandwich wars for decades.  And, if you’re a Steak and Cheese fan, then you know which restaurant you support.  I found a link that shows the top ten locations for authentic Philadelphia Cheese Steaks, and it talks a little bit about the history of each one as well.  Apparently the original sandwich started at a hot dog stand and Wikipedia talks all about it here, History of the Cheese Steak!

Flat out, I don’t make it exactly the same way.  The original recipes use Cheese Wiz and I use Nacho Cheese, instead.  So, you’ll either love it or you won’t.  Both Cheese’s come from a can so basically, with my recipe, you’re getting the same thing, only with my sandwich, your getting a little kick too.  I find this to be much more satisfying because I like my Philly Cheese Steak a little on the spicy side.

Philly Cheese Steak Ingredients:

1 lb Sliced Beef
1 qt Water
1 tsp Baking Soda
1 can Nacho Cheese or Cheese Whiz
Sub Sandwich Rolls
1/2 Sliced onion
1 Chopped Garlic Clove
Salt and Pepper to taste
Olive Oil for cooking

Combine the water and Baking soda and add the Sliced Beef.  Marinate for 20 minutes to tenderize.  Saute your Onions with olive oil and Garlic.  Strain the beef and cook thoroughly on medium high heat. Butter the Sub roll and toast on a flat skillet.  Then add the cooked Beef, Onions and Nacho Cheese to your toasted sub roll and enjoy your Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich!

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