Pan Fried Salmon with Shoyu and Mango

Why Pan Fried Salmon?

Pan Fried Salmon is Delicious.  As long as you stick to the two minute rule, Two minutes per side, your Pan Fried Salmon will be succulent, moist and there won’t be any left, that is, if you follow any one of my recipes for it.  I’ve developed two specific recipes for Salmon, and if you want to click HERE, you are more than welcome to take a look for your self to see which one you’d rather prepare.

This Pan Fried Salmon is the easiest and the fastest to make.  You can literally be eating in just 10 minutes.  The one thing I will say about seafood in general, and especially when it comes to fish, never EVER use frozen fish.  Frozen fish becomes dense, dull and flavorless.  Even the best Chefs in the world can’t prepare a dish using frozen fish and expect it to stand up to any food critic that is use to eating fresh fish.  In fact, I can pretty much guarantee that if you or someone you know claims to not like seafood at all, you either had a frozen fish cooked for you, or you just had only one bad experience that tainted the decision making process and there for never tried any other seafood again.  Am I right?  The biggest problem is, anyone that has done this pretty much cheated themselves by labeling the entire ocean of sea animals disgusting, and it just isn’t realistic or fair.  Look, I’ve had bad food before, even badly cooked steak, but if you think I’m never going to eat another steak again you’re insane.  The point is, there are good cooks, and there are bad cooks, there are great recipes and there are terrible ones.  There are also a few basic rules regarding any good recipe and any great Chef or Cook.  And the golden rule is, ALWAYS USE FRESH FOOD!

Pan Fried Salmon and Soya Sauce Ingredients:

Cut Salmon filet portions
Olive Oil for Cooking
Salt and Pepper to taste

1 Mango Chopped
1 tsp Freshly Chopped Cilantro
Dash of Paprika

1 part Soy Sauce
1 1/2 part Brown Sugar
1 part water

Sauce is boiled with Green Onions and Ginger until Sugar dissolves.

The Original Shoyu Sauce for this Pan Fried Salmon can be found HERE.

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