Garlic Bread Pizza

Garlic Bread Pizza, What’s the big deal right?

I saw this advertised in the paper last week when Pizza Hut introduced their Garlic Bread Pizza.  my first thought was, “Man, they’re gettin’ desperate”, but the more I thought about how much I love Garlic Bread and how much I love Pizza I decided to try making it myself.  I mean, I already know I make a bad ass pizza so I figured I might as well combine the two for myself and see how it turns out!  LET ME TELL YOU, Garlic Bread Pizza is THE BOMB!  Honestly though, I still haven’t tried the Hut’s yet but I’m definitely doing this in my own kitchen again and you can do it to.  Whether you want to dig in and make everything from scratch or if you want to keep it as simple as possible and just buy a few pre made ingredients, you’re going to love Garlic Bread Pizza.
For those that want to keep it simple and maybe even have some fun with the kids, watch my video.  Then pick up some pre made sliced buttered and seasoned garlic bread from your local grocery, a jar of your favorite spaghetti or pizza sauce, some Pepperoni or favorite toppings, and some Mozzarella cheese with Provolone mix.  Layer it on a pan, bread, sauce, cheese then toppings and bake 500 degrees f. for 6 to 8 minutes.  Once you try your own Garlic Bread Pizza you’ll understand and you won’t regret it!

Published by

Trenton Holland

Poor Man's Gourmet Kitchen

I'm just a regular guy in search of his bliss and I find that bliss in food and all of its many cultural differences. A very seasoned and experience chef taught me how to use my pallet to best serve and prepare a dish with all of its natural flavors from other foods before ever introducing “forced flavoring”, such as salt. My goal isn’t just to teach how to incorporate these products into simple gourmet dishes but to show, how easy, it can be done from anyone's Kitchen with cheaper, convenient substitutions that will not only blow your mind, but insure that most no one will be able to ever tell the difference! Welcome to The Poor Man’s Gourmet Kitchen!

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