Starting Poor Man’s Gourmet Kitchen
I’m on the road, working for a living—imagine that! Traveling so often for work has made me appreciate the rare moments of staying in one place, though those moments aren’t always ideal. Working construction usually pays well and I often treat myself to gourmet-style food. I either eat out or cook it “Poor Man’s” style, here in my own apartment. Since the company lay-off, money is tight. Right now, I’m renting a so-called “furnished” apartment with a kitchen that’s more comedy than luxury; It’s to die for.
When I say, “die for”, I mean you’d die laughing if you saw it. There’s no counter space—or even counters—next to the stove, just an empty void where they used to be. Even the tile is missing in that spot. The layout is wild: one door opens to the front entrance, and the other exits to a dining area-slash-hallway. The refrigerator barely qualifies as such, with a freezer so small it’s laughable, not to mention it already gave out once. Thankfully, the maintenance guy replaced the motor.
As for supplies, I’ve got a few cupboards, some shelves, minimal dishes, a semi-sharp knife, and just enough cookware to scrape by. Believe it or not, this entire site has been made possible by my trusty 3G touchscreen Android phone. Yep, all the videos, photos, and web editing come straight from this humble setup.
And from this tiny, chaotic kitchen, I proudly bring you The Poor Man’s Gourmet Kitchen!