Shrimp Cocktail and Oyster Shots

The Best Shrimp Cocktail

In my opinion, Shrimp Cocktail is only as good as the seasoning.  Technically the shrimp only need to be steamed or boiled in water but without salt or a good Crab Boil seasoning, the prawns aren’t going to have that much flavor.  So, I highly suggest adding flavor to the water that soaks into the shrimp as it cooks.  Even Bouillon or a good stock would be perfect.  I also show you how to make Cocktail sauce.  I know that it seams like a no-brainer but there are several different ways to make it and I show you 3 different versions in this recipe.  First, the basic recipe, then I show you a more diverse recipe and, finally, the Bloody-Rita style Cocktail sauce recipe for the Oyster Shots.

Oyster Shots with Shrimp Cocktail

Originally, I just wanted to film a good Cocktail Sauce video recipe and post that to the blog.  But, after more thought and deliberation, I realized I needed to combine that recipe with a couple of popular appetizers that go great with Cocktail sauce.  So, in truth, you’re getting a 3 in 1 special and I decided that Oyster Shots and Shrimp Cocktail were the two recipes I wanted to share the most.

I’ve got such good memories of the few occasions that I ordered Oyster Shots.  It’s only appropriate that I share my favorite recipe.  The best version I tried was served with Tequila, which I have since realized is a Bloody-Rita style Cocktail Sauce.

Much like a Bloody Mary Cocktail, a Bloody-Rita is served with Tequila instead of Vodka and usually garnished with Lime.  Margarita’s have been one of my go to drinks and I love a good Bloody Mary, plus I’m a big Oyster fan.  So, needless to say, I fell in love with this Oyster Shot recipe the moment it was served and I ordered another round.

The Cocktail Sauce recipe I listed in the ingredients below is a hyped up version of the very basic recipe; ketchup, horseradish and lemon juice.  It’s great with the Shrimp Cocktail but it’s even better for the Oyster Shots because it’s got everything you need to take it to the next level.  Just add the Tequila and Lime and you’re on your way.  Just be sure to use fresh Oysters and not bottled, canned or smoked oysters.  And, I highly recommend you purchase the smallest Oysters you can find.  If you need a tutorial on shucking Oysters, I’ve got a great step by step guide in my Oysters Rockefeller Video Recipe.

Shrimp Cocktail and Oyster Shots Ingredients:

1 lbs 16 to 20 Prawns
1 dozen Oysters
1 cup Cocktail sauce
1 1/2 oz Tequila
1 Lime
4 cups water
2 tbsp Crab Boil Seasoning, Old Bay/Slap Ya Mama/Zatarain’s

Cocktail Sauce
1 cup Ketchup
1 1/2 tbsp Horseradish
1 tsp Lemon juice
3 tbsp Chili sauce
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Hot sauce

Be sure to follow the instructions in the short Shrimp Cocktail and Oyster Shots video recipe tutorial.

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