Making the Perfect Pina Colada

Pina ColadaThe Best Pina Colada

Being served a dressed up Pina Colada is Awesome.  It’s refreshing and it makes you feel like you’re on vacation somewhere if you’re not already.  Making one your self can be fun, however, side fruit and umbrella’s aren’t really necessary.  By the time I get everything blended, I just want to drink it already.  So here is my version of the Pina Colada.

Pina Colada 101

First, it’s all about fresh Pineapple.  If you’re planning on using pineapple in a can, put it back, put it back!  I’ve been scoring fresh Pineapples lately for under 3 bucks, so there is no reason to make a crappy mug of dead pulp.  Besides, you will NEVER get enough flavor, or at least the flavor you are expecting out of a can of pineapple; and just so you know, I am never taking the credit for a recipe someone half ass followed.  That being said, follow these instructions to a “T” and your Pina Colada will kick ass!

Pina Colada IngredientsSecondly, you have got to find yourself a can of Coco Lopez.  They aren’t your average size cans and it can usually be found in 1 of 3 different locations of your grocery, if not your liquor store; Mexican, Asian or with the Mixers.  P.S., don’t ever buy the Pina Colada Mixer, it’s a mistake, trust me.  And, just in case you don’t know, Coco Lopez is Coconut Cream.  Be absolutely certain that you don’t confuse it with coconut milk because it isn’t anywhere close to the same thing.  Okay?

Now, that we’ve covered the important basics of the recipe let’s just dive right in shall we…

Pina Colada Ingredients:

1/3 of a fresh chopped Pineapple
2 cups Ice
½  cup Rum
1 1/4cup Pineapple Juice
½ cup Heavy Whipping Cream or Half and Half
3 oz Coconut Cream
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp vanilla

Combine and blend all of the ingredients together and add more ice, juice or rum as needed.  Ice is for the thickness, juice to thin it out and Rum just for fun! 😉  Then serve and enjoy your Pina colada!


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