Grilled Lamb Chops with Pesto

Easy Grilled Lamb Chops with Pesto

I say these Grilled lamb Chops are easy to make because Lamb Chop recipes are simple and incredibly delicious, to boot.  I’m telling you, if you’re a steak fan, a rack of lamb, prepared properly, will blow your mind.  I, for one, now understand why there are so many historical stories about sacrificial lambs.  Okay, I might not get the whole religion part but I get that giving up and slaughtering your own lamb truly is a sacrifice, if you’re not gettin’ any!  I mean, COME ON!  Lamb Chops are sooo tasty.

The Secret to Grilled Lamb Chops

When you’re preparing Grilled Lamb Chops, all you need to do is clean them up a bit.  That means, trim the fat and remove the Silver Skin from the meat.  This will keep them lean and less chewy to eat.  If you want to get super fancy, you can French the bones as well but unless you’re serving the president, or someone that thinks they’re royalty, it really isn’t necessary.  Plus, sucking the fat off the bones is one of the best things about eating Lamb Chops, so don’t deprive yourself of that.  Go a head and let heart disease settle on in and enjoy yourself, for crying out loud.

Now, after you’ve cleaned the rack, you can Salt and Pepper and grill as is or cut it into Lamb Chop portions before you grill.  Either way it will turn out the same, so it’s entirely up to you.  You’re going to need a good Pesto and you can either buy it premade or you can try my recipe.  I’ve listed the ingredients down below with a separate video tutorial but if you want to see the original post for that, CLICK HERE.

These Grilled Lamb Chops are great with the Pesto alone but if you’d like to have something to dip them in, you might want to look into my Tzatziki Sauce Recipe.  It has a nice Greek Yogurt base that you’re going to love.

Grilled Lamb Chops with Pesto Ingredients:

1 Rack of Lamb
2 tbsp of Pesto
Kosher Salt and Pepper to taste

Pesto Recipe
3 cups Basil Leaves, freshly packed
1/2 cup Almonds
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
3 Garlic Cloves
1/2 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Black Pepper, ground
1/2 cup Olive oil
1 tsp Lemon Juice, (optional)

Be sure to watch both the Pesto and Grilled Lamb Chops video tutorials and I’ll show you just how easy these recipes are to make.







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