Deviled Eggs for Easter

Deviled EggsMaking Deviled Eggs!

Deviled Eggs are fantastic when they are made right.  And I figured since this coming weekend the whole world will be searching for hidden eggs, why not post a recipe you can use once you find them.  As you know, Easter will come and go like any holiday, and just like any holiday, there are always left overs; if you’re lucky anyway.  And since the one thing we are all guaranteed to have left over is the eggs might as well focus on a recipe that concentrates solely on the eggs themselves, Deviled Eggs.

Hard Boiled Egg. Deviled EggsIronic though, don’t you think?  A Christian Holiday that is surrounded by people celebrating the resurrection of their deity by hunting for Easter eggs, while I offer a recipe for “Deviled Eggs”!   I literally can’t help but laugh out loud.  But I’ve always had a warped sense of humor anyway.  So if you’re not laughing, be sure that you can laugh your way all the way to the bank because this Deviled Egg Recipe is Golden!  And, just so you know, you’re getting a 2 for 1 special on this video tutorial recipe, because I’m not just including the Deviled Egg recipe, I’m also giving you the Hard Boiled Egg video that assures you get a perfect boiled egg with ease, every single time you make them.

Deviled Eggs Ingredients:

1 Dozen Hard Boiled Eggs

1/2 cup Mayonnaise
1 tbsp Horseradish Mustard or some of each
1 Diced Green Onion
1/2 Diced Dill Pickle
1 tsp Vinegar (White or Cidar)
1 tsp Sugar
1/4 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Black Pepper
1/4 tsp Paprika
1 tbsp Freshly Chopped Parsley for garnishing

Cut the hard boiled eggs in half, then separate and combine the egg yokes with all of the ingredients except the Parsley. Mix thoroughly and load a heaping teaspoons worth of deviled yoke mixture into each egg white half.  Sprinkle with Paprika and Parsley, then serve your Deviled Eggs!

Published by

Trenton Holland

Poor Man's Gourmet Kitchen

I'm just a regular guy in search of his bliss and I find that bliss in food and all of its many cultural differences. A very seasoned and experience chef taught me how to use my pallet to best serve and prepare a dish with all of its natural flavors from other foods before ever introducing “forced flavoring”, such as salt. My goal isn’t just to teach how to incorporate these products into simple gourmet dishes but to show, how easy, it can be done from anyone's Kitchen with cheaper, convenient substitutions that will not only blow your mind, but insure that most no one will be able to ever tell the difference! Welcome to The Poor Man’s Gourmet Kitchen!

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