Roasted Chestnuts Recipe

Youtube Chestnuts

The Best Roasted Chestnuts

These Chestnuts are lightly pan tossed and roasted until they’re ready to peel, then sauteed in butter and seasoned to perfection.  This recipe is finished off in the oven for just a few more minutes until these nuts are golden brown.  They are very nutty in flavor, lightly salty and sweet with Cinnamon and Ground Clove, .  If that sounds like something you’re interested in, then this Roasted Chestnut recipe is for you.

Chestnuts are in Season

One of the biggest reasons why Roasted Chestnuts are a Holiday Classic is because, in the month of December, they are in season.  That’s right, these little beauties make their debut early in the month and farmers go to town.  Even though I put together a fun little “how to” tutorial to make and roast these your self, you’d be doing your self a favor if you headed over to YouTube and watched some of the stories behind local farmers and people that grew up with Chestnut trees right in their own backyards.  For me, it was really nice to a see some of the history behind the nut that has inspired traditions and Christmas songs around the world.

Also, Check out my Holiday Coffee recipe and my Toasted Marshmallow Hot Chocolate.  Both recipes are excellent and they pair off nicely with a bowl of Roasted Chestnuts.

CLICK HERE for Hot Chocolate
CLICK HERE for Holiday Coffee

Roasted Chestnuts Ingredients:

1 lbs Chestnuts
1 tbsp Butter
1 tsp Sugar
1/2 tsp Ground Cinnamon
1/8 tsp Ground Cloves
Salt to taste

Be sure to watch the short video tutorial for full narrative instructions to roast your Chestnuts to perfection.

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