No Bake Barbecue Baked Beans

Bowl of my No Bake Barbecue Baked Beans.

The Best Barbecue Baked Beans

If you’re a fan of Barbecue Baked Beans, you’re in for a real treat because this recipe is amazing. Instead of a “from scratch” recipe, I’m backing all the way up to the last recipe I posted, Country Style Barbecue Ribs, and I’m stealing the leftover barbecue sauce to prepare this one. So, instead of adding bacon, which most recipes do, these baked beans have the drippings from country style ribs cooked right into the sauce. Plus, there’s a few other secret ingredients to kick this up even another level and it’s what every good steak house should be serving.

Navy Beans are the prize favorite to make Baked Beans.

Legumes for Barbecue Baked Beans

If you’re wondering what kind of beans to use to make your Barbecue Baked Beans, Navy Beans are the prize favorite. The truth is however, you can use what ever you want. Though white beans are generally more popular in most recipes, you can use kidney or pinto without any problems. If you’re interested in saving some stewing time, you can even purchase canned beans. Doing that will eliminate an entire night of soaking and two hours of simmer.

3 lbs of No Bake Barbecue Baked Beans.

Stewed Barbecue Baked Beans

If you’re curious why this Barbecue Baked Beans recipe isn’t baked at all, you wouldn’t be the first. Some say that it’s a myth that Baked Beans are actually even baked and that the beans are really stewed more than anything. That suggests that anyone that takes the name literal and bakes there beans instead is wrong, right? Nah, it’s just another efficient way to apply heat. Lot’s of recipes call for grilling, so that they can get that smokey flavor, and that can be a great way to cook them too. So, I think it’s just a matter of personal preference. I simmer mine on the stove out of convenience because it’s easier to just pull the lid and stir than dealing with the ends and outs of the oven.

Barbecue Baked Beans Ingredients:

4 cups Navy Beans
6 cups Water, add more if needed
1 tsp Salt
3 cups Leftover Barbecue Sauce
1 White Onion, diced
1 Bell Pepper, diced
1 Jalapeno, diced
1 tbsp Olive Oil
1/2 cup Barbecue Sauce, I use Baby Ray’s
1 cup Cooked Bean Juice, add more as needed
1/2 tsp Blackened Seasoning
1/3 cup Southern Comfort, Bourbon
Salt and Pepper to taste

Just follow the directions in this No Bake Barbecue Baked Beans video tutorial and I’ll show you exactly how to make them.

Yakitori Chicken

Oven baked and skewed Yakitori Chicken Hearts, Liver and Thigh meat.

Easy Yakitori Chicken

One thing I’ve learned about Yakitori Chicken, it isn’t just Shish Kebabs you find at your local Chinese buffet. In fact, it isn’t Chinese at all, it’s Japanese. Much like Sushi, American Chinese restaurants are just adapting adding to their menu’s because of the popularity they’ve gained over the years. Truthfully, both the Sushi and Yakitori aren’t prepared very well and, are generally, “okay” at best. If you’ve decided you like or even hate these recipes from a buffet, understand that your opinion is most likely skewed and based on your lack of experience. The food hasn’t been prepared right. Therefore, most folks wouldn’t know an authentic recipe if it hit them in the face and wiggled. So, since that’s what you’re probably used to, I’m going to help you stomp out a buffet style recipe but with some more pep.

Raw Yakitori Chicken ingredients: liver, hearts and chicken thigh meat.

Traditional Yakitori Chicken

There truly is an art to Yakitori Chicken. One of my favorite things about the Japanese culture is their dedication to perfection. Even famous chefs like Gordon Ramsey are intimidated by sushi and noodle chefs and, I’d be willing to bet, Yakitori chefs are no different. Yakitori Chicken is barbecue that uses the entire bird and doesn’t leave anything to waste. Though I don’t use a whole chicken in this recipe, I’ve picked out a few things that are commonly used for it. Boneless chicken thigh meat, chicken liver and hearts. Each are prepared just a little differently.

Skewed Yakitori Chicken thighs, liver and hearts, ready for the oven.

Yakitori Chicken Skewers

I like to use disposable wooden skewers for the Yakitori Chicken, instead of metal, because they stay cool and make it easier to flip back and forth. The Chicken thighs are cut into bite size pieces and marinated. I like to use my Teriyaki Sauce recipe because it’s practically the same thing as basic Yakitori sauce. The main difference is just the quantities of each ingredient vary but this is a really great and simple alternative to make this recipes easy. I brush olive oil on the hearts and liver portions to keep them moist. There’s also a splash of liquid smoke but if you’re going to grill, you won’t need it but you should salt and pepper to taste.

Yakitori Chicken Ingredients:

4 Boneless Chicken Thighs
1 lbs Chicken Liver
1 lbs Chicken Hearts
1/3 cup Teriyaki Sauce
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1/2 tsp Liquid Smoke
Salt and Pepper to taste

I use Himalayan Salt and White Pepper. You’ll also need about a dozen Skewers to make this Yakitori Chicken on the Grill or baked in the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 minutes.

No Bake Chocolate Chip Cookie Roll (Date Roll)

The Best Date Roll

This Date Roll with Chocolate Chips is, absolutely amazing.  Forget about about Granola Bars.  Grahamola Bars are the new norm.  I’m talking about a no bake recipe that isn’t just soft and chewy, it’s tasty sweet through and through.  Not too much either.  It’s exactly what you’d expect and more.  Anybody that slaps a label on this recipe and markets it will make Millions.  And I’ll confess, in this recipe, I didn’t put a single ounce of Dates in the ingredients but you can all kinds of dried fruits if you’d like; Dates, Raisins, Cranberries.  You can even substitute the Walnuts for your favorite and the Sweetened Condensed Milk can be replaced with Honey.  Anything your little heart desires.  Don’t hold back.

Date Roll with Chocolate Chips Ingredients:

2 pkg Graham Crackers, ground
2 cup Walnuts, chopped
2 cup Coconut Flakes, sweetened
2 cup Marshmallow
2 cup Chocolate Chips, mini
1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk, 14 oz

Mix and shape into a roll.  Set up in Freezer for 30 minutes and serve.  Be sure to watch the video tutorial for this Date Roll with Chocolate Chips and I’ll show you exactly how to make it.