Seared Scallops with Saffron Sauce
This Seasoned and Seared Sea Scallops with Saffron Sauce has got to be one of the best recipes I have posted in a while. Not to diminish the other recipe posts, which are great by the way, this is just one of my absolute favorites. Sea Scallops, seasoned and seared to perfection, and this liquid gold Saffron sauce made from the fond puts this dish over the top.

Searing Scallops with Saffron Sauce
The secret to searing and cooking perfect Scallops is a few very simple steps that can’t be skipped or ignored. You need, patted dry, room temperature scallops that are seasoned before you place them in a preheated pan. I cook my scallops in bacon grease, not just for the extra flavor but for the added crisp sear the scallop achieves from only two minutes of cooking over medium heat. Then I flip and cook for an addition 1 to 2 minutes and remove from the pan.

The Secret to Scallops with Saffron Sauce
A real good Saffron Sauce is going to made from the leftovers of what ever meat you’re pairing it with. If you’re cooking chicken you deglaze your pan with wine and chicken broth. We’re cooking Sea Scallops so we’ll use Scallop or Clam juice as the broth and a sweet Vermouth instead. The scallops I purchased were frozen. Unfortunately, it’s one of the only way’s I can get them here in the mid-west. The juice in the bag is what I use but if you’re purchase fresh Scallops that don’t have the juice, you can purchase Clam juice in practically any grocery store, sold near the canned Tuna. These two things are what’s missing from most online Saffron Sauce recipes and it makes all of the difference in the world. Plus I add butter and cheese.
Be sure to check out my Sea Scallops with Secret Asian Sauce.
Scallops with Saffron Sauce Ingredients:
1 Tbsp Bacon Grease
1 lbs Sea Scallops
1 Green onion, chopped for garnish
Small pinch of Kosher Salt & Pepper for each one, both sides
Small pinch of Adobo Goya All Purpose Seasoning, both sides
1 Garlic Cloves, chopped
4 tbsp Butter
1/4 cup Sweet Vermouth
1/4 cup Scallop juice or Clam juice
1/4 cup Heavy Cream
1/4 cup Parmesan
1 tsp Chives, dried
1 pinch Saffron
Salt & Pepper to taste
You might consider adding fresh Lemon to your Scallops and Saffron Sauce as well.