Pan Fried Breaded Pork Chop

The Breaded Pork Chop

As a child I never liked the way pork chops were made in my home growing up; so I’ve tried to develop a tastier yet simple Breaded pork chop that is full of flavor using premade ingredients that make them really easy.

Turkey Stuffing Breading for a Breaded Pork Chop

In this recipe you can use your favorite chops to make any Breaded Pork Chop; bone in or bone out. Also use your favorite breading, such as turkey stuffing, or ground croutons; and since the seasoning is already there all we need now is a few eggs and a hot pan with canola oil to get started. Watch the video below so you can see how easy it is making a Breaded Pork Chop.


Basics when making a Breaded Pork Chop

Always tenderize your chops. I beat the hell out of them with what ever I’ve got. Remember that this is the Poor Man’s Gourmet Kitchen, so most of the time I’ve just got to use what I’ve got; a hammer and pan work just fine. Just make sure that you cover them up with some sort of wrapping or plastic of some sort so you don’t blast the meat all over the kitchen. The important thing here is the end product after the Breaded Pork Chop is fried. You don’t want to end up with some dried out chewy piece of meat with a close resemblance to a baseball glove or an old rope swing tire dogs like to bite on. The goal is to make a very simple yet succulant Breaded Pork Chop that just melts in your mouth!

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