How to make Funnel Cake

Have you ever wondered How to make funnel cake?

Funnel Cakes say it all don’t they? I mean break it down from the very start of the first word and you’ve got nothing but “Fun”! Alright enough of the cheese; now just add a few minutes of prep time, and a few minutes of fry time and your night is off to a good start! Let’s show you how to make funnel cake.

This is my how to make funnel cake recipe

1 cup flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg
1 cup
1 tbls milk
2 tbls sugar

Add some powdered sugar and all of your favorite toppings and you’re good to go! Combine flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl and whip with a wire whisk. In another bowl, beat the egg and milk.  Add sugar, and be sure to stir it so it dissolves.  Then add the rest of the dry ingredients and beat until smooth(electric mixers are great if you’ve got one…I don’t, and it still comes out just fine!). Heat at least 1 inch of oil to 375 degrees f. in either a deep fryer or skillet.  I just use a deep skillet.  Now read carefully because this is how to make a funnel cake. Place one finger over the hole on the bottom of the funnel. Carefully fill the funnel with batter. If you don’t have a funnel, use a zip-lock bag you can fill up and snip the corner with scissors; I’ve done this before. Over hot oil remove finger and allow the funnel cake batter to go into the oil while making circular motions, scattering the batter with patterns in order to cook evenly. Cook for 1 minute before flipping it over with a fork or tongs and then cook for another minute until golden brown. Remove from the oil when the desired color on the funnel cake is reached and let it drain on paper towels. Throw down some powdered sugar with all your favorite toppings and serve it up because you just learned how to make funnel cake!

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