Smothered Salmon

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The Best Smothered Salmon

This Smothered Salmon recipe is something I came up with years ago.  My wife has a serious love for this fish so I wanted to create something that was undeniably the best and believe it or not, this recipe can be prepped and cooked in just 15 minutes.  It has a Garlic, Wine and Butter Broth that is just amazingly smooth.  I actually use this to saute the Onions and Peppers as well as steam the fish.  I like to prop the Salmon right over the top of the veggies so the filet can steam from below as well as from above when I top the pan with a lid.  Then after just a few short minutes I smother the fish with Mozzarella Cheese, then cover back up with the lid long enough for it to melt.  Once it has, you have a perfectly cooked Salmon that is ready to serve.  Total cooking time is, approximately, 6 to 7 minutes.  And once it hits the plate, I dash pieces of Bacon, I sprinkle freshly chopped Parsley and then I splash some Balsamic Vinegar right over the top.

If you’re interested in seeing how I cook Halibut, Rockfish or Swai, check out the links below.  I even have a Poor Man’s Lobster recipe if you’re interested.

CLICK HERE for Grilled Halibut
CLICK HERE for Grilled Rockfish
CLICK HERE for Pan Fried Swai
CLICK HERE for Poor Man’s Lobster

Smothered Salmon Ingredients:

1 Salmon Fillet
1/2 Bell Pepper
1/2 Onion
2 tsp minced garlic
1/2 cube butter
1/4 cup white wine
1/2 cup Mozzarella Cheese
1 tbsp fresh or dried Parsley
1 to 2 tbsp chopped Bacon or bits
1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
Salt and Pepper Salmon to taste
Pinch of cayenne pepper

Oriental Salad with Dressing

Oriental SaladOriental Salad made with Leftovers!

There’s nothing that top secret about an Oriental Salad.  But I’m going to make one using leftovers.  I can walk into almost any kitchen, open the refrigerator and turn out a gourmet dish.  Obviously a salad is a weak example, but it is an example none the less.  Lomo Saltado was left over in my refrigerator today and I decided to turn out an Oriental Salad.  Not that that’s too difficult in itself, but the secret to an oriental salad lies in the dressing.  So, though I’m whipping out a quick salad, I want the main focus to be two things, leftovers and the dressing.

The best part is everybody has leftovers.  So there is a very large variety of options you could probably turn out in your own salad.  Beef and Chicken are the easiest, and since my Lomo Saltado recipe has onions and peppers in it as well, I feel like this is the best choice for an Oriental Salad as well as an excellent opportunity to introduce my oriental salad dressing. There are two sauces you need to be aware of; Sriracha, made by Rooster and Kikkoman’s Tempura Dipping Sauce. Sriracha is HOT but it has an excellent flavor for oriental foods that only it can provide.  Use this sparingly and to your desired tastes.  Tempura Dipping sauce is great for many things.  I use this when I make Lo Mein or Ham Fried Rice!

Sriracha and Tempura Dipping SauceOriental Salad Dressing Ingredients:

½ cup Mayonnaise
1 tsp Oyster Sauce
1 tsp Sesame Oil
½ tsp Sriracha
2 oz Tempura Dipping Sauce

All the ingredients are pretty basic for this salad.  Just be sure to add onions, peppers and some sort of Crispy noodle.  I use uncooked Ramen on purpose just to show that it can be done and it can still taste excellent.  The Dressing is simple and lies as follows in the above ingredients.  Make sure you try an Oriental Salad with this Oriental Dressing next time you’re craving it.