Breakfast Combo Bar

Six stacked Breakfast Combo Bar Patties on a small purple plate.

The Best Breakfast Combo Bar

If I’ve never expressed my love for breakfast foods, particularly hot breakfast foods, I can sum it up in a word… GIMMIE! This Breakfast Combo Bar is no exception. What is it? It’s a crispy fried scrambled egg, ham and cheese patty and, if you’ve never tried one before, believe me when I say, they’re amazing. These can’t be purchased by the average consumer, by the way, and you don’t usually find this item on a restaurant menu so, you’re going to have to learn how to make these and try them your self.

One carton of 20 chicken eggs.

Where does it come from

I learned about the Breakfast Combo bars over 25 years, when I attended trade school, and I fell absolutely in love with them. I’ve never seen them served any where else but I have since learned that they are a bulk product, made by Hormel, and they’re only sold to distributors and restaurant supply companies like Sysco; which also explains why my school cafeteria was serving them up in the mornings.

Eggs are the main ingredient in this recipe, mixed with minced ham and cheese so, be sure you’re stalked up to make these because it takes 2 eggs to make 1 Breakfast Bar.

One box of Original Velveeta Cheese.

What Kind of Ham and Cheese

The ingredients in the Hormel recipe says that the cheese in these Breakfast Combo Bars is pasteurized and American so, I chose to go with Velveeta Cheese. You can use what ever you want but, I’m telling you, the Velveeta, in my opinion, is spot on the way I remember these bars tasting. So, it’s something to consider if you prefer real cheese.

Cooked ham and cheese with scrambled eggs.

The Ham I use is just a classic hickory smoked ham that I add to the eggs, chopped, after they’ve cooked. I melt down the Velveeta cheese in a smaller pan with a few tablespoons of whipping cream to make it creamy and easy to poor over the eggs and ham mixture. Then, I mix everything together, remove from the heat and form patties on a cookie sheet.

Eggs, ham and cheese mix formed into patties on a cookie sheet for the freezer.

It’s good to use a non-stick cookie sheet or some non-stick spray that will keep the eggs, ham and cheese mix from sticking, once you’ve made patties. I use an egg pan mold approximately 3″ inches in diameter. The mold is only about one 1/2″ inch so, it makes it easy to press them flat too. The patties must be frozen before they’re battered for frying or they will not sustain their shape. 1 hour, minimum, in the freezer is required to obtain a frozen patty. In fact, I usually keep half of them in the freezer while I’m frying the first batch because they soften quickly and fall apart in the egg wash.

2 canisters of both Seasoned Panko and Bread Crumbs.
Breading and Batter

Once the egg, ham and cheese patties are fully frozen, they can be put through a 3 step breading. First the flour, then the egg wash and the seasoned Panko and bread crumb mix. Each patty only needs to go through these steps once. There’s no need for a second coating, trust me. Now all you need is a half inch of oil, in a hot pan, for frying. Fry at 350° Fahrenheit for approximately 2 minutes, or until golden brown, on each side. Then remove from the heat and let them rest on a rack or paper towels, to remove the grease, and serve.

Breakfast Combo Bar video tutorial by PoorMansGourmet
Breakfast Combo Bar Ingredients: Makes 6

12 eggs, scrambled and pre-cooked with Salt and Pepper to taste
1/2 cup Ham, minced
1/3 cup Velveeta Cheese, melted
2 tbsp Whipping Cream or Milk

1/3 cup flour
2 eggs
3 tbsp water
1/3 cup Bread Crumbs, seasoned
1/2 cup Panko, seasoned

Oil for Frying

Watch and follow all of the instructions in the Breakfast Combo Bar video tutorial.

Egg Bread Bowl with Ham and Bruschetta

What is an Egg Bread Bowl

One of the main things I can say about this Egg Bread bowl is that it is absolutely GENIUS!  I just use a large dinner roll that can easily be hollowed out like a soup bread bowl, then I fill it with a few simple breakfast ingredients.  Now you can imagine how far you could take this if you really wanted to get creative.  The key here is to make sure you don’t turn your rolls into rocks while you’re cooking the eggs.  That being said, it might not be a bad idea to make and bake fresh rolls your self, before hand, to be sure they are not over cooked when they are hollowed out and baked again as Egg Bread Bowls.

One of my favorite breakfasts and Brunch is Tomato and Basil Bruschetta.  So, when it came to this Egg Bread Bowl recipe, I immediately thought of mixing up the Tomato and Basil ingredients to top it off.  And I’ve got to say that it really went well.  But, when you make your own Egg Bread Bowl, feel free to add cheese, avocado, sausage or whatever your little heart desires and you’ll be well on your way to making natures little breakfast bombs!

CLICK HERE If you need a Bruschetta recipe to top off your toast.  Also, if you get a chance check out my recipe for Scotch Eggs by clicking HERE!

Egg Bread Bowl Ingredients:

6-8 Large Dinner Rolls (I used Dutch Crunch Rolls)
6 -8 Ham
6-8 Eggs
Bruschetta Mix optional

Bake the Egg Bread Bowls at 390° Fahrenheit for 18 minutes and be sure to watch the short video tutorial and I’ll show you exactly how to make the Egg Bread Bowl.