Hot Chocolate with Marshmallow Cream

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The Best Hot Chocolate

Here’s a Hot Chocolate recipe you’ll want to bookmark for sure, because there’s nothing better than a nice cup of hot cocoa, during the cold winter month of December.  And this recipe has got everything you’d expect any great recipe to have, including a creamy Marshmallow taste and a nice airy froth.  It’s very easy to make and it’s perfect for this Holiday Season.

Conveniant Store Hot Chocolate

I came up with this idea when I was getting Hot Chocolate, for my kids, at a local gas station.  You know how they have those motorized dispensers with different flavors; mint, pumpkin spice and toasted marshmallow.  It was the Marshmallow that caught my eye.  Not that I wouldn’t enjoy the other flavors too, it’s just what my kids chose and what I always enjoyed.  After we rang out, I realized it was something I needed to put together because $2.50 for an 8 oz. cup just isn’t savvy.

Hot Chocolate Ingredients:

4 tbsp Cocoa Powder, unsweetened
4 tbsp Sugar
1/8 tsp Salt
2 cups Milk
1/2 tsp Vanilla

Toasted Marshmallow
1/4 cup French Vanilla Coffee Creamer
1/4 cup Marshmallows

Update: Running low on milk, I’ve since cut the milk in half and replaced that half with water and to my surprise, I thought the recipe tasted even better.  So, it might be something you’d like to consider.  Just be sure to watch the short Hot Chocolate video tutorial and I’ll show exactly how to make this recipe.

Oreo Waffles

Oreo Waffles are the BEST!

There are all kinds of different ways to make an Oreo Waffle and I’m here to tell you that they are the best.  Especially if you dress them up the way I like to do mine, here in this recipe.  And just so you know, this isn’t as much of a recipe as it is an ingredients list of things to buy with an instructional video that shows you how I like to do it.  So if you’re an Oreo Cookie fan and you love Waffles, you better check this out because it is easy, delicious and fun to make.

Oreo Waffles are Easy

This is a very simple way to make Oreo Waffles without having to make them from scratch.  I think a lot of people like to just buy a pre made Waffle mix to make it easier so they can just add the minimal ingredients, anyway.  But, if you’ve got a favorite homemade recipe you want to stick with, be my guest.  And once you get that all whipped up, all you’ve gotta do is add some crushed Oreo Cookies.  It makes a real fun addition to a normally plain and basic waffle.  Then I like to slap some Vanilla Frosting in between two waffles, just like a cookie, and add my Homemade Berry Syrup and whip cream.

Also, be sure to check out my Crepes with the Cherry Topping and my Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies in the links below.

Oreo Waffles Ingredients:

1 box Waffle Batter Mix, pre made
1 bag Oreo Cookies, 4 Oreo’s per waffle
1 cup Vanilla Frosting, 2 tbsp per square/triangle
Whip Cream to taste
Syrup of your choice, I use my Homemade Berry Syrup

Be sure to watch the video tutorial for these Oreo Waffles and I’ll show you how easy they are to make.