Beef Steak Ranchero’s with Potatoes

Beef Ranchero’s with Potatoes in a frying pan.

The Best Beef Steak Ranchero’s

If you’re a fan of Mexican food and you’ve never tried this dish, you’re going to love it. Beef Steak Ranchero’s is so very versatile and it can be made mild or spicy. It can be served with or over rice, for breakfast with eggs, tacos, burritos, tortes, the skies the limit because you’ve got well seasoned and marinated beef, onions and tomatoes and, in this recipe, we’re adding potatoes.

2.37 lb. Raw packaged Beef Carne Taco Meat from the grocery store, $3.98 per lb.

What kind of Beef

As you read the title, “Beef Steak” Ranchero’s you were probably wondering what cuts to use. At my local grocery, they put together packages of beef for stews, tacos and burritos. It’s usually just the miscellaneous scraps from steaks and roasts that is too meaty to waste and throw away. Sometimes it’s even pre-seasoned but I like to get a few packages at a time that isn’t seasoned so, I can do whatever I want with it. One for the fridge and one for the freezer.

If you don’t have this available to you, I would recommend buying the cheapest cuts you can find because the meat tenderizes as it cooks so there’s no reason to get real spendy with this dish. Also, you’re going to need to get familiar with my Blackened Seasoning recipe because I use it on the meat.

Plate of Beef Steak Ranchero’s with rice, beans and a folded flour tortilla.

How to serve this Dish

As I mentioned above, there are so many different ways to eat Beef Steak Ranchero’s. The way I prepare it, in the video down below, I just serve it with beans and plain white rice. You can serve it with Spanish rice, if you prefer, but I find the Ranchero’s flavor has plenty of spice to blend in with white rice. Also, the addition of Potatoes in this recipe makes Ranchero’s great in burritos or along side a Chili Relleno. What ever you decide, you might want to consider a few classic Mexican additions because, you can never go wrong with a squeeze of lime, chopped green onion or chives and cilantro.

Beef Steak Ranchero’s with Potatoes Ingredients:

2 lbs Beef Stew Meat
2 tbsp Blackened Seasoning
2 tbsp Cumin, ground
1 tbsp Garlic, chopped
1 Jalapeno, chopped
1/2 cup Brisket Beef Fat, chopped
1 can of Tomato, diced

Kosher Salt & Pepper to taste (aproximately 1/2 tbsp each)

2 tbsp Beef Fat Rendered or vegetable Oil
1 Onion, chopped & sautéed
2 Potatoes, Pre-boiled then cubed & sautéed
1 tsp Oregano

Kosher Salt & Pepper to taste and consider adding lime, green onion and cilantro when serving.

Boiled the potatoes beforehand for 20 minutes then refrigerated overnight. Cook the diced potatoes and onions together but separately from the meat and tomatoes before combing. Follow the instructions in the video tutorial and I’ll show you exactly how to make Beef Steak Ranchero’s with Potatoes. Also, this meal can be cooked in a slow cooker.

Mean Green Juice

12 oz glass of Mean Green Juice.

The Best Mean Green Juice

There are a ton of variations of this juice recipe but basically, it’s the super green fruits and vegetables that make this such a nutritional and tasty drink. It’s packed with Kale, Cucumber, Celery, Green Apples, Ginger and a squeeze of Lemon. I even like to mix spinach into the ingredients when I have it. This drink is a powerful detox for the body and it aids in weight loss if managed properly. Super foods like the ingredients in this drink are cheap too so, there’s no reason not to give this a try.

Kale, Cucumber, Celery, Green Apples, Lemon and Ginger on a cutting board.

Detox and Weight Loss

I’m no expert and I’ve only began to scrape the surface of juicing but I’ve personally been incorporating into my diet for almost 10 months now. I have a celery juice every single morning to start, which aids the liver. According to those flat belly experts, it’s impossible to have a healthy liver and be over weight so I’ve been cleaning that bad boy up.

As far as the Mean Green Juice goes, Kale contains fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamins C and K, iron, and a wide range of other nutrients.

Cucumber hydrates the body and contains potassium and magnesium to support fluid balance. I recently passed my first, hopefully my last, Kidney stone and hydration was one of the key ingredients to move that along. Cucumber may also clear up your skin, reduce your blood pressure and I’ve heard it even helps to break up Gout.

Green Apples contain pectin, which is a fiber source that works as a prebiotic to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut to help digestion. I’ve also heard that one apple is the equivalent of one cup of coffee, only better for you.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities. It also has a ton of other benefits that include easing digestion, calming nausea or motion sickness and aids the immune system to fight colds and congestion.

Lemon can ease a sore throat, help blood sugar, prevent kidney stones, it has cancer fighting benefits, aids weight loss and, once again, aids in digestion and clears up skin.

Juicer with a 24 oz measuring cup full of Mean Green Juice and a container full of pulp.

Juicer vs Blender

There are a ton of nutrients that get wasted juicing but some people just can’t stomach all that fiber from a blender so, it’s going to be up to you and your personal preference, which one you choose to use. If you don’t have a juicer and you only have a blender but don’t want the pulp, you can poor the juice through a mesh strainer and mash the pulp with a spatula.

Mean Green Juice video tutorial by PoorMansGourmet.
Mean Green Juice Ingredients:

3 Celery Ribs
6 Kale Leaves
1 Cucumber
2 Green Apple
1 Lemon,
1 tbsp Ginger, approximately 1″ inch

Watch the short video tutorial and I’ll show you exactly how to make this Mean Green Juice. Also, I like to refrigerate this juice for a couple of hours first, then give it a good stir before I drink it. It just tastes better that way, to me.

Buttermilk Biscuits

A plate of fresh homemade Buttermilk Biscuits.

The Best Buttermilk Biscuits

From Sausage and Gravy to KFC, Buttermilk Biscuits have become an American staple and if you’re looking for a great recipe, you’ve come to the right place. These biscuits turn out exactly the way you want them and, believe it or not, they’re very easy to make. You just have to understand a few basic tricks and your biscuits will turn out perfect, first try.

Partially eaten plate of Biscuits and Sausage Gravy.

The Trick to Fluffy Flaky Biscuits

The secret to Buttermilk Biscuits is in the dough. This recipe doesn’t have many ingredients so, it’s not really about what goes into the dough as much as how the dough is mixed.

From the very start, you need to mix all of the dry ingredients first. Then add cold butter, preferably frozen, and it needs to be grated or shredded in a food processor with all of the dry ingredients. If you’re familiar with apple pie crusts or pastry dough recipes, the technique is very similar(This allows the dough to puff up into flaky layers once the dough is pressed and folded).

Afterwards, the wet ingredients, buttermilk and honey can be mixed in but, be careful not to over mix. In fact, as I show you in the video tutorial, its important to only combine the ingredients into one mass rather than really “mix” the dough, then press it flat and begin to fold and roll as instructed.

The biscuit cutting is important as well. Instead of twisting the cutter through the dough, just press firmly with a wiggle. Twisting tends to keep the dough from separating and rising with flaky layers. Trust me, you don’t want to end up with hard baked hockey pucks.

This recipe makes approximately 16 biscuits about 2 1/2″ wide and 1 1/4″ thick.

Perfect Buttermilk Biscuits video tutorial by PoorMansGourmet.

Buttermilk Biscuits Ingredients:

2 1/2 cups Flour
1 cube Butter, 1/2 cup
1 1/4 cup Buttermilk
2 tbsp Baking powder
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp honey

Bake at 425° Fahrenheit for 15 minutes

Be sure to watch the short video tutorial and I’ll show you exactly how to make the best fresh Buttermilk Biscuits.