Deciding About Kulua Pork!
If you’re wanting Kalua Pig, I guess it’s a real simple process of elimination and mathematics. If you don’t have a Louau to go to, number one, or if you don’t have an underground oven or even want to deal with digging a fire pit or making a temporary cinder block oven, or if you don’t even have an entire Pig to roast, here’ is a Slow Cooker alternative solution for Kalua Pork instead. And, if you haven’t had this at your Thanksgiving Dinner, YOU ARE MISSING OUT!
Kalua Pork Ingredients:
1 Pork Roast, Shoulder or Rump
1 tbsp Liquid Smoke
Sea Salt (Kosher or Margarita Salt is fine, Hawaiian Sea Salt is the best)
Tenderize your Kalua Pork Roast with a Skewer, Fork or Needling Device. Then Rub Liquid Smoke over entire Roast and then salt all sides as well. Put in Crock-pot and Cover. Roast on the Low setting for 15 hours. Then fork pull the meat apart on a separate plate and add Crock-pot Juice as needed to moisturize. Serve with Rice!