Tartar Sauce

The Best Tartar Sauce Ever!

I know that I say it a lot but this truly is the best Tartar Sauce, ever!  I’m a big fan of great fried fish and fish in general, if it’s prepared correctly.  And breaded fried Fish, Clam strips or fried Oysters have got to have a condiment that compliments their flavors to the fullest.  Whether you want it on a sandwich or served on the side with fish and chips, Tartar Sauce should be hitting on all levels of fantastic.  That’s why I’ve been working, diligently, on this recipe.  That pre-made store bought crap just doesn’t cut it and I’ve been disappointed every time I’ve reluctantly bought a jar.  So let’s get crackin’ and show you how to make this sauce wonderful!

Traditional Tartar Sauce

In my book, Tartar Sauce is a must with fried Fish.  I know that some folks like to have Malt Vinegar and that’s fine, but give me Fish and Chips or a Fish Sandwich with Tartar any day.

Traditional Tarter Sauce varies, depending on where it comes from.  Some recipes have mustard, chopped boiled eggs or even olives in them.  Tarter Sauce, from what I understand, comes from the french sauce Tartare, named after the Tartars.  So without diving into a history lesson, whether your traditional recipe has an Italian, French, English or American descent, the ingredients are going to very.  Of course, traditional for me is going to be based on what I was raised on here in the US.  That means school lunch, restaurants and good old southern cooking.

This recipe, in particular, is unique unto itself because I make what some might call an unorthodox version.  I have Sour Cream in this recipe.  Which sounds crazy, I know, but you really need to try it before you judge.  Also, I don’t add Lemon Juice because mayonnaise already has it in it.  If yours doesn’t, then you should add a good squeeze.

Refrigeration is key and I talk about that in the video.  This Tartar Sauce should be prepared the day before you want to serve it.  Marination is key, so give it at least a good 12 to 24 hours to chill and set up properly and you’ll be dishing up an amazing sauce to compliment whatever else you’re serving.

Also, be sure to check out my Beer Batter Recipe and my Fish Fry Recipe.  They can be tricky to master but both are worth the effort if you do!

Tartar Sauce Ingredients:

1 1/2 cup Mayo
1/2 cup Sour Cream
1 large Pickel, chopped
2 tbsp Capers, chopped
3 Green Onions, chopped
1 1/2 tbsp Horseraddish
1 tbsp Worcestorshirer
1/2 tsp Garlic Powder
1/2 tsp Onion Powder
1 tsp Dill

Salt and Pepper to taste

Clam Chowder with Bacon

Clam ChowderClam Chowder Anytime!

Bacon Clam Chowder just makes sense, doesn’t it?  I know this soup is most appreciated in the colder months of the year, but I just couldn’t resist.  Personally I could have it prepared like this anytime and still love it.  Also, there’s just something about putting a hot chili or creamy soup in a large toasted bread bowl that just screams, “Let’s Eat”!  So if you’ve got this on the menu when I sit down to eat, you know what I’m ordering.

This Clam Chowder, in my opinion, is much more flavorful than standard recipes.  The three most important ingredients in this soup that really make it pop are the onions, the clam juice and of course our beloved, Bacon.  These ingredients make the Clam Chowder unmistakably delicious.  It’s true, the only other vegetable I add are chopped Russet Potatoes, but I find the extra addition of Celery and Carrots aren’t necessary, in order to bring the full color and flavor of this recipe about.  Though you are more than welcome to add them if you’d like, it really doesn’t matter.  It’s just a personal preference, that’s all.  I think you could even get away with adding corn if you wanted to.

Clam Chowder Ingredients:

4 strips of bacon sliced into 1/4 pieces
1/2 Chopped Onion
1 tsp Sugar
2 tbsp Butter (Salted or Unsalted)
2 tbsp White Wine (Cooking Wine or Red Wine is fine)
1/2 cup Flour
2 cans of minced clams with juice
1 qt Heavy Whipping Cream
2 Chopped Russet Potatoes (or your favorite)
1 tbsp Black Pepper
Salt to taste
2 tbsp Fresh Chopped Parsley

Absolutely Babysit this soup.  It’s very temperamental, in my opinion.  On Medium High heat, cook your bacon and onions.  Season with a shake of black pepper and add the sugar to help caramelizing the onions.  Then add the butter and Cooking Wine.  Once that has melted, stir in the flour and almost immediately add the clams.  The cream will follow shortly after, a half cup at a time to start, then bring to a light boil, stir and add another half cup. Once half of the quart of cream has been added, you can add the rest all at once.  Stir really well, then taste it for seasoning, then add the pepper and your taste for salt.  Now the potatoes can go in and you can reduce the heat to a simmer, stirring frequently.  It’s very important to keep from burning the bottom.  Using a thicker pan will help this tremendously.  Once the potatoes are cooked, 10 to 15 minutes, add the parsley and serve your Clam Chowder in a bowl, cup or toasted bread bowl.